The Shipping CLUB



  1. Proof of eligibility

    The candidate company must provide a copy of their license registration allowing them work as a freight forwarder in their home country as well as at least one BL/AWB of a shipment handled by the company in the last 6 months.

  2. Background Check

    We check on international databases the status of the company and whether the candidate company is listed in any international blacklist or freight forwarding debtors.

  3. Infrastructure check

    We check personally (when possible) or via pictures the infrastructure of the candidates, making sure their facilities are compatible with our group’s quality standards.

  4. Partner Recommendation

    We ask the company to provide some contacts of international forwarding partners with they’ve been working in order we can ask for some feedback about its quality and working experience.

  5. Clubbers Validation

    We ask our members information and opinion, because we realized that sometimes our members can have information, that us as a network, can’t have about prospective members.

  6. Club profile

    We ask the candidate to access to their future profile and fill with their main information. These details will be later available on our internal member area.

  7. Time of operation

    The candidate company must have, at least 3 years of experience in the market, a minimum of 10 employees and a functioning website.

  8. Payment of the invoice

    Before joining, we provide with invoice for the annual membership fee. The candidate company must pay the invoice to conclude the application process.

  9. You are ready to join

    Once we receive the payment, the company will be officially accepted as a Club member and we will introduce it to the rest of the “clubbers” on all media channels such email, internal members area, etc. 

Shipping & Consulting, SLU

Masia Vilarenc
Passeig de la Unió, s/n
43820 Calafell (Tarragona) 

NIF: B56589823

PHONE: +34 673 79 92 01