The Shipping CLUB

Mindfulness applied to the one-to-one meetings

Mindfulness, the buzzword that has been in vogue for a few years now and that some of us are trying to implement in our daily lives. But what is mindfulness really?
The Oxford Mindfulness Foundation defines mindfulness as “moment-to-moment, non-judgmental awareness of one’s own experience”. Simply put, when you demonstrate mindfulness, you are fully aware of your thoughts, emotions and actions, but equally, you don’t get caught up in them.

But… Is it possible to implement mindfulness during a one-to-one meeting at a conference?

The answer is a resounding yes. We can apply mindfulness during practically any moment of our lives.
What tools do we need for this?
Only one, the most powerful of them all …. Calmness.

Over the years I have attended hundreds, if not thousands, of one-to-one meetings at various events and conferences. About 10 years ago I started with the regular practice of some mindfulness techniques, such as meditation.

No, it is not necessary to do a meditation before starting each one-to-one meeting, of course not… but it is tremendously effective to do a small exercise before starting each new meeting,

In the early hours of the morning, before you start your day of meetings, find a quiet place (possibly your hotel room). Sit in a chair, with your back straight, your feet flat on the floor (preferably barefoot) and the palms of your hands on your knees.

Close your eyes, for no more than a minute, and focus your thoughts on your breathing.
Yes, it sounds stupid, but dare to try it.
After that minute, open your eyes, get up and go back to your chores as normal.

During your meetings, focus on your interlocutor. Put away any electronic devices that might distract you if they are not strictly necessary. Relax, listen, talk, take valuable notes.

At every break between meetings during the day, use 30 precious seconds of your time to close your eyes (wherever you are, whether you are sitting at the table where you had your last meeting or standing somewhere in the room) and relax your mind.

No need to time it… You are doing a mental reset. Your mind needs to release unneeded information and keep the really important information.

After the break, go back to your meetings
Your attention will be back to 100%.


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